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Let me say a word or two about MUZZY: The BBC ******** Course for Children. MUZZY has long been Europe’s #1 choice for learning ********s. I brought Muzzy to America when my wife, Anny, and I were searching for a way to start our young children on learning a ********. Anny and I raised our four children on MUZZY. We started the kids when they were between 2- and 6-years-old and watched in wonder as ******** skills blossomed in both English and their new second ********s. All of our children have since gone on to excellent schools and colleges. And each has emerged recognizing the value of being able to communicate beyond "just English" and of taking a place as a citizen of the larger world.

We were so impressed with our children’s success that we knew that we had to share MUZZY with other American families. Your child’s development is what Early Advantage is all about. We search the world for innovative programs — including many you may not see in stores — and make sure they deliver on their promise. Above all, we guarantee that they are fun and engaging because that’s when the most learning takes place.

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: txt MUZZY.txt‏ (77 بايت, المشاهدات 30)
نوع الملف: txt 2.txt‏ (77 بايت, المشاهدات 15)

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