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طلب مقارنة بين اي 2 2024.

السلام عليكم

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شخباركم ؟؟

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وجهـ مقاارنة بين اي شي
مثل بين قط و كلب
او اكل المنزل و خارج المنزل
او ….

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essay about comparison between cats and dogs :

which animal is better cats or dogs ?
They are similar in many ways , but there are also many differences .

Both cats and dogs the same in aspects . They are both pet animals . They are both clever at playing tricks in the circus . they usually save people’s like when there are disasters .

Dogs have some traits . Some of them have curly hair . They usually play tricks for showing off and praise .
They have a strong sense of smell . They can predict disease and feel chemical changes in the human body .
On the other hand , cats have some traits which are totally different from dogs . they are beautiful and have soft hair . they play tricks for food . they have a strong sense of hearing . they predict earthquakes and disasters before they happen .

To sum up , it is very hard to say which animal is better . Both of them are useful in many ways .

Thank U very much
Well done
<div tag="9|80|” >شكراً كــتــيـــر يا ( amro_tiger ) ..

تسلم إيدك يــــا رب ..


لو سمحتو أنا بدي مقال من 25 سطر مقارنة عن القطة والكلب من حيث أوجه التشابه والاختلاف..
حدا يساعدني أرجوكم ..الشارقة
PeerPapers.com – College Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers and Book Reports

City Life and Village Life
Everybody can choose the place, where he would like to live. Some people prefer living in the city and other prefer living in the village, but what is really the best for us?
First of all we should define our terms of reference. ‘Village` means a group of houses with a mosque, a school and some shops in the countryside; but `city´ means a place, where people live, work and have fun. It contains many houses, shops, places of entertainment, companies, universities, etc.
Living in the city brings to everybody a lot of advantages. In city you have a lot of sport, cultural and education opportunities. Young people get more education and knowledge in town than in the country, and also when they want to get a job, they will easier find it in a city. Very often young people from the countryside move to the city just because they cannot find a job in their birth place. Also, a very big problem is that in countryside there are no hospitals, so if people are sick, they have always to travel to town.
In city you can find more opportunities for everything because it is bigger and has more inhabitants than a village. It has also shopping centers, swimming pools, tennis courts, cinemas, night clubs, restaurants and a lot of other places, where we can have fun.
However living in the city has also its bad sides. In the town there are pollution, traffic jams and noise. There are so many buildings that there are no trees, flowers and fresh air. Many citizens go to countryside for a weekend just because they want fresh air, peace and quietness, and to see the green fields, animals and mountains .
The next disadvantage is prices. In city everything is more expensive than in a village and there is not home-grown food but mostly junk food. The most serious problem of a town is a high level of crime. Of course, you can also find crime in a village but there are not so much pickpockets, thieves, murderers and drug dealers than in a town.
Generally speaking, living in the city allows you live the modern with its complexities , noise and with out much social relationships. On the contrary the village makes you enjoy the fresh air, quietness, and an easy life full of friends.

City Life and Village Life

Everybody can choose the place, where he would like to live. Some people prefer living in the city and other prefer living in the village, but what is really the best for us?

First of all we should define our terms of reference. ‘Village` means a group of houses with a mosque, a school and some shops in the countryside; but `city´ means a place, where people live, work and have fun. It contains many houses, shops, places of entertainment, companies, universities, etc.

Living in the city brings to everybody a lot of advantages. In city you have a lot of sport, cultural and education opportunities. Young people get more education and knowledge in town than in the country, and also when they want to get a job, they will easier find it in a city. Very often young people from the countryside move to the city just because they cannot find a job in their birth place. Also, a very big problem is that in countryside there are no hospitals, so if people are sick, they have always to travel to town.

In city you can find more opportunities for everything because it is bigger and has more inhabitants than a village. It has also shopping centers, swimming pools, tennis courts, cinemas, night clubs, restaurants and a lot of other places, where we can have fun and to see the green fields, animals and mountains .

However living in the city has also its bad sides. In the town there are pollution, traffic jams and noise. There are so many buildings that there are no trees, flowers and fresh air. Many citizens go to countryside for a weekend just because they want fresh air, peace and quietness.
The next disadvantage is prices. In city everything is more expensive than in a village and there is not home-grown food but mostly junk food. The most serious problem of a town is a high level of crime. Of course, you can also find crime in a village but there are not so much pickpockets, thieves, murderers and drug dealers than in a town.

Generally speaking, living in the city allows you live the modern with its complexities , noise and with out much social relationships. On the contrary the village makes you enjoy the fresh air, quietness, and an easy life full of friends.

Who is Smarter: Boys or Girls? The Ancient Debate!

Women are not smarter than men, but they are more aware and recognizant! This has been a worldwide controversy notion since the beginning of creation. People seem to ignore the subject in order to avoid any embarrassment. Some say that boys are smarter in a way that boys are physically stronger hence; they can learn new experiences like building a house, or cutting a tree etc. While some advocate that girls are way smarter because they are deep thinkers and imaginative! Though they are physically weaker, but they are much better than boys mentally speaking. They think before they act and they remain calm in crises. Boys on the other hand tend to reason things out and find practical solutions to problems. They don’t waste time and they like to hit the subject right away. That’s why boys don’t like to chat for hours on the phone without a goal. While girls are more emotional and tend to share their experiences, and that’s why girls are way better than boys in art. They tend to “split-hairs” and discuss more since they are minute about details. So, while boys consider girls talking on the phone boring, women find it very useful because they want to share their story with someone else.
Boys are more intelligent than girls in the outside world since boys spend their childhood playing around with friends. They are better in physical activities than girls are like soccer, baseball or basketball. Girls on the other hand, are planners since they tend to stay at home. They read more and talk to parents more often than boys do. However, boys can be smarter where physical action or power needed while girls are smarter in terms of learning and memory because girls after all enjoy endurance and long-lasting fortitude. They can handle the house issue perfectly all day as well as an outside job if ever exists. Boys, however, enjoy muscular and temporary endurance. They come home from work completely tired and that’s why women are givers while men are takers. The difference between the two is very clear as some scientists suggest: women are sensitive, romantic, and emotional and tend to use sentiment to deal with the outside challenges. Men are rational, realistic, and factual and tend to use reason to solve their problems. Both are unique and endowed special abilities to cope with reality each according to their own perspective. That’s why it’s weird to see a man crying or to see a women working in constructions!

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