السلاام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ..
شحألكم ؟؟
طلبتكم ساعدووني ..
ابيي ترجمة هالفقره بالانجليزي
وللحظة تذكرت الأطفال الذين كانوا معي قبل وقوع الحادثة الشنيعة.. وتذكرت أحلامهم الصغيرة وأفكارهم لمستقبل باهر.. فقد تدمر كل شيء.. انتهى المستقبل بالنسبة لهم.. دمعت عيناي.. كيف لذلك أن يحدث لأطفال لم يبلغوا حتى السن العاشرة.. لكنني تأكدت أنهم كما قال رسول الله —– صلى الله عليه وسلم – أنهم طيور في جنة الله. وكذلك علمت أن سبب هذه الكارثة لم يكن من صنع بشر. لأنه لو كان كذلك لما سمح له قلبه بعمل هذا العمل الفظيع. ولو كان بشرا لأحس بآلامنا وعانى معاناتنا.
يعني بس تحولونهاا بالانجليزي ..
ساعدووووني بليييييييز ..
[COLOR="#ff0000"][U][U][U]Once I remembered those children who were with me before the horrible accident. I also remembered their small dreams and their ideas for a wonderful future . All things have been destroyed and their future is nearly stopped. My two eyes drops. How it happened to those who are still children under the tenth . but I’m sure that they are as our messenger Mohammed “peace be upon him” said; “ they are birds flying in the paradise” I also Know that it is not people who made the disaster. It is impossible for a man with a heart to do such a horrible murder . If the murderer were a human being , he would feel our illnesses and suffers from our sacrifices .
Once I remembered those children who were with me before the horrible accident. I also remembered their small dreams and their ideas for a wonderful future . All things have been destroyed and their future is nearly stopped. My two eyes drops. How it happened to those who are still children under the tenth . but I’m sure that they are as our messenger Mohammed “peace be upon him” said; “ they are birds flying in the paradise” I also Know that it is not people who made the disaster. It is impossible for a man with a heart to do such a horrible murder . If the murderer were a human being , he would feel our illnesses and suffers from our sacrifices .