سلااااااام اشحاااالكم
والله حل كتاب ابيض والاسود صفحة 37
الصف الحادي عشر……
اتمني اني اشوف التفاعل…….
لانه باجر تبي وعلي 10 درجاااااااااااات
اتمني التفاعل منكم…..
1- محلول في الكتاب
2- is being provided
3-will be bought with the money
4- is bring written to recommend
5- was held
6- were appointed to investigate the costs of each item
2- is being provided
3-will be bought with the money
4- is bring written to recommend
5- was held
6- were appointed to investigate the costs of each item
و السموووووووحهــ على القصور
بغيت لي تحت