سااااااااااااااااااعدوني ابغي مقدمة وخاتمه لملف الانجليييييزي
او اي شي يخص الملف مال الانجليزي
يوووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووم الاحد اخر يوووووم تسليم
بليييييييز خلصووني بسرعه الله يطول في عمااااااااااركم
والسمووووووووحه منكم
اهئ اهئ
لي اعرفه انه رساااله ورؤية بس
وانا عندي الرساله و الرؤية
ابي مقدمة لملف الانجليزي …
ولكن فى البداية ضعى
welcom to my file
وبعدين تضعى ورقة cv
وتبدأى فى ترتيب ملفك على حسب ما تحبى
ولك اذا حبيتى تضيفى خاتمه
In the end, I hope you like it has attracted Ikonmelvy
وفى البدايه لا تنسى
Self Reflection
Really, when I have finish my English portfolio I had a psychological effects I feel that I can do a visual thing, I can organize myself also my information I have feeling enjoyable with the work especially when I ask my friends my parents for help, there is no problem with this maybe your friend has a background with this title or maybe your parents have an experience with what you are doing now.
Exactly, I was happy so happy to do this portfolio for English because it is fantastic.
Peer Reflection
I can say that my friend has an organization technique, because he arranged his ideas in the portfolio correctly as I see. But I think that if he put a comparison between the ancient literature and the modern literature that will make it a wonderful
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