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اذاعه مدرسيه باللغه الانجليزيه

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In the name of God the Merciful

And peace and blessings be upon His messengers Muhammad by the best and blessings Altzlimajoani students to the concept of hygiene is connected to medicine, as well as the practices of personal and professional care in connection with most aspects of life, though often linked to hygiene and safety measures. In the medical field, health practices used to reduce the incidence and spread of disease. The word "hygiene in multiple statements such as cleanliness of the body, and hygiene, and dental hygiene, and occupational hygiene, including in the areas of public health. And hygiene practices vary widely, and what is considered acceptable in one culture may not be acceptable in other cultures.

Facilitated a group of English in the first Imaath this year that offers you this unique radio pleading God to Ichaellha success.
Now, with the Holy Quran, which does not deflect its desires and do not satisfy him n told by scientists and ratified by the rule change with the student ……….
An interview with Sharif al-Bashir and prognostic lit candle Muhammad peace be upon him with the Taliban: ………..
Of wisdom, fearing God and the wisdom of the day and the Taliban :……………….
With these tips and the Taliban: …………………………..
With this paragraph poetry and the Taliban: ……………………….
With these tips and the Taliban :……………………………………..
With this and the Taliban ………………………… …………….. ……….

May peace and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you and hope that we will have everything that is useful and fun and my compliments to you by the radio …………………. Under the supervision of Professor Halim

<div tag="2|80|” >Thanks for the school radio it very special ……….. Wonderful

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