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theme5: how weather changes, science 5

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Theme 5: how weather changes
1-what causes the wind to blow?
2-what causes land and sea breezes?
3- What causes rain-the water cycle?
4- Process of water cycle:
——————————————————————————————————–5-process of rain:
6- What causes the seasons?
7- what causes of weather changes ?
8-put /for true and x for false, give reason.
a) Weather changes are mainly caused by the heat of the sun. ( )
Reason: ——————————————————————————————–
b) Hot air is heavier than cold air. ( )
Reason: ——————————————————————————————–
c) When clouds are formed close to the ground they are called fog. ( )
Reason: ——————————————————————————————–
d) Dew drops come from clouds. ( )
Reason: ——————————————————————————————–
e) Seasons happen because of the revolution of the earth. ( )
Reason: ——————————————————————————————–
9-name these:
a) Cooling of water vapour to form water ————————
b) It forms on plants in cold nights———————————-
c) Farmers do not like it because it harms their crops——————————
d) The sweat cannot evaporate quickly in this weather—————————-
10-how does the heat of the sun cause the wind to blow?
11-why does not fog form in summer ?
12-why do you feel very uncomfortable in hot and humid weather?
13- Complete:
1) The weather may be hot, ————, ————–, ————–or—————–
2) The weather changes and the wind moves because of ————————-
3) ———————–is the moving of the air from the sea to the land .it happens at day time.
4) ———————–is the moving of the air from the land to the sea. It happens at night.
5) ———-happens in three steps: evaporation, condensation and precipitation
6) ————————water turns into steam by the sun.
7) ————————high in the sky the steam changes into water again.
8) ————————tiny drops of water join together and fall to the ground.
9) Forms of precipitation———–, ——————, ————-, —————,– —
10) ——————-liquid water falls to the ground.
11) ———————————-when it is very cold water vapor freezes and falls to the ground.
12) ——–in cold nights water vapor condenses to form drops of water on plants.
13) —————is frozen dew.
14) —————in winter when the air near the ground is cold water vapor condenses to form clouds near the ground.
15) ————————-we feel it when there is a lot of water vapor in air.
16) We feel ————-because our sweat cannot evaporate quickly.
14- Complete the table:
meaning word meaning word
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